The Reviews & Messaging Platform For Local Business


Get 200-400% More Leads, Customers, Clients & Sales Each Month Through Our Proven Marketing & Sales Automation Features Like Miss Call Text Back, SMS, Email Marketing, CRM Pipeline & More. The Best Part? We Set EVERYTHING Up For You!


Online Reviews

Improve your ratings and build your reputation to win more business.



Reach your customers wherever they are.



Fast, easy, secure payments.


Prospect Smarter Using the Power of Artificial Intelligence

Welcome to our prospecting system that uses artificial intelligence to find ideal clients and qualify them through personalised, automated conversations which brings you more clients with less effort, less cost and less time.

Online Reviews

Automate Your Online Reviews

Improve your ratings, build your reputation, and get found online by sending review requests via text to recent customers, responding to and interacting with reviewers, and managing it all from a single inbox.

Online Reviews

Automate Your Online Reviews

Improve your ratings, build your reputation, and get found online by sending review requests via text to recent customers, responding to and interacting with reviewers, and managing it all from a single inbox.

Online Reviews

All the tools you need to grow in one place.

Online Reviews

Automate your online reviews with a few simple clicks & respond to reviews in 1 place


Manage your messages with a single inbox for text, Facebook messages, Google messages, and more.


Convert more website visitors into leads & sales conversations with Webchat.


Easy text 2 pay client invoicing. Simplify your client invoicing & get paid faster.

Missed Call Text Back

When you're away, have CHATT, LLC. follow up via text so you never lose another customer


Grow your audience & know where

new leads are coming from

Every Conversation In One Place

Communicate Efficiently
With Customers and Leads

Reach your customers wherever they are with text messaging. Request reviews, connect with website visitors, collect payments, respond to Facebook & Google Messages, and market to customers and leads all from your app.

Every Conversation In One Place

Communicate Efficiently
With Customers and Leads

Reach your customers wherever they are with text messaging. Request reviews, connect with website visitors, collect payments, respond to Facebook & Google Messages, and market to customers and leads all from your app.

Fast Payment

Get Paid Faster Than Ever

Collecting payments isn’t anyone’s favorite job. Make paying as quick and convenient as possible for your customers with a secure payment link delivered right to their phone.

Client Communication

Grow Your Audience

Grow your audience & know where new leads are coming from with CHATT, LLC.'s easy-to-use CRM. Easily import existing leads to make client communication a cinch!

Client Communication

Grow Your Audience

Grow your audience & know where new leads are coming from with CHATT, LLC.'s easy-to-use CRM. Easily import existing leads to make client communication a cinch!

Company Launchpad

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Is This For?

If you own a local business in any niche within any industry (Medical, Dental, Retail, Restaurant, Home Services, Construction, Gym, Fitness, Med Spas, Realtors, Brokers, Insurance Agents, Plumbers, HVAC, Consultants, Coaches, Therapists, Freelancers, Digital Marketing Agencies, eCommerce Brands, Solar) Literally any type of business that needs to rank higher on Google, improve your online reputation, get more leads, customers, patients, clients, members without SEO or Paid ads.  If you run paid ads this will complement your existing marketing strategies.

Will This Work For Me?

Yes! The average business gets about 1,200 interactions from their Google profiles each month (this is data directly from Google) yet most businesses aren't seeing those interactions turn into leads or customers.  Company Launchpad works with Google API to connect your Google Business Profile to our marketing platform. Once connected... any phone calls from Google, Missed calls, Google chat even website visitors will generate a lead in your High Impact Leads™️ dashboard.   So this works! 

If that wasn't enough High Impact Leads™️ makes it easy and effortless to get more of your clients, customers, members or patients to leave you raving reviews with a simple text message and custom review link. 

The more reviews you get the higher your rank on Google. Consistency is key here so with High Impact Leads™️ you can send review requests to your clients, members, customers or patients every day, month and year to continue to grow your ranking and improve your online reputation. 

What Exactly Am I Getting? 

- Your getting access to the software you can use 24/7 

-Free Onboarding and Setup call with an expert 


-Private Facebook community of like minded local business owners you can engage with and share ideas. We also post relevant content, tips, tricks to help your business thrive!

-Tracking phone number to put on your Google Profile that redirects to your business line. 

-Google Chat Feature

-Webchat Widget that allows you to generate leads from your website FREE and turn those leads into conversations via SMS Text marketing. 

-Unique "leave us a review" landing page designed just for your business that encourages more 5-star reviews and filters out bad reviews!

Do You Provide Any Upgrade Options?

Yes, at times we will send you upgrade offers such as using our Drag and Drop website builders, we can build you custom funnels that generates leads and sales better than any website, social media planner, email marketing services, custom automations and even a feature that allows you to run your own facebook ads in 3 clicks with pre-designed ad templates for you local business. 

Do You Have Any Success Stories?

Yes, hundreds. We've now helped tons of local business orders in every space generate FREE leads, rank higher, get more customers, more orders, sell higher ticket products and services they'd struggle with in the past.

Explore A Better Way To Grow

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